Top Tips for Your Spring Clear-Out

Spring is here and what better time to have a thorough clear-out of your home, dust away the cobwebs and get rid of clutter to create more space. But organising your home can seem like a huge job and it can be difficult to know where to start with decluttering your house. But our handy guide is full of our expert tips for the best way to declutter your home quickly and easily.

Start Small

Clearing out your whole house might seem like too big of a project. So, start small and go through one room at a time. Decluttering one bedroom will be a breeze! Once that room is done, move on to the next one. Take on the project in an organised manner and don’t expect to get everything done in one day. It might take a couple of weekends to give everything a thorough decluttering.

Get the Right Tools

You’ll want to make sure you have the right equipment to hand before you start clearing out your home. We suggest using strong bin bags or garden sacks and cardboard boxes for items you want to throw, sell or donate. You might also want to use rubber gloves, a spray cleaner and a cloth to clean out the nooks and crannies of your home that haven’t been touched for a while! Lastly, you’ll probably also need a vacuum cleaner, to give everything a good clean when you’ve moved the items out.

Keep, Chuck, Sell, Donate

As you’re going through each room, you’ll need to decide what you’ll be keeping and what will be thrown away, sold, or donated to charity. As you declutter, put things in the right piles, bags and boxes, clearly labelled so there’s no confusion. It can be helpful to use the one-year rule when deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. If you find something that you haven’t thought of or used in over a year, it’s probably time to get rid of it.

Items that are past their best or unsalvageable should be thrown away or recycled. But remember, some people might like a project to upcycle furniture. It might be worth advertising it on social media to see if anyone in your area could make use of it before you chuck it. Items that are still in good condition, but you don’t use anymore should be donated or sold on rather than thrown away.

Recruit Helpers

Some people love nothing more than a good declutter. If you have a friend or family member who you know is an expert organiser, ask them to join you for your spring clear-out. Having another person can also help you when it comes to deciding what to keep and what to throw away. An outsider might be more ruthless if they don’t have the same emotional attachment to items that you might have!

Stay Focused

It can be easy to get distracted when you’re clearing out your home. You’ll probably come across photo albums, old birthday cards, school reports, or children’s art that makes you want to stop and reminisce. But it’s important to stay focused! You don’t want to get too comfy looking at things and then get behind with the declutter. If there are some things you want to take a proper look at, put them to one side to peruse later. You can then make a decision on whether you want to keep them or not.

Clean Up at the End

When you’re working through each room, make sure to give everything a thorough clean, including behind pieces of furniture you might not usually move. Once you’ve decided what you’re keeping, take the time to put everything back where it belongs in an organised manner.

You’ll then need to sort the items that you’re getting rid of. Things that you’re selling should be advertised appropriately and items you’re donating should be taken to the charity shop. Remember to call them before you arrive though, to check that they’re taking donations. You could otherwise face a wasted journey and have to unload everything again.

Things you’re throwing away should be put in the relevant recycling or waste bin or taken to the tip. If you have a lot of items, you could have to take a few trips to get rid of everything. Instead, a house clearance service could be more beneficial.

Away With It offers house clearance in Essex and the surrounding areas of East London, offering a reliable and professional service. We can remove a whole house’s worth of junk or just a few items. We recycle or reuse 80% of the items we clear, taking suitable items to charity and disposing of the rest in the most eco-friendly way possible. If you’re having a spring clear-out and need assistance with getting rid of your junk, contact us for more information.

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