spring clear out

Top Tips for Your Spring Clear Out

Spring has arrived, making it the perfect time for a thorough home clear-out. It’s an ideal opportunity to dust off the cobwebs, eliminate clutter and create more space in your living environment. Organising your home can, however, feel overwhelming, and deciding where to start with decluttering might be challenging. Our handy guide is packed with expert tips to help you tackle the process efficiently and effortlessly. From prioritising areas to declutter, to effective sorting and disposal strategies, our guide provides practical advice to make the task manageable and rewarding. Embrace the fresh start of spring with a home that’s organised and revitalised.

Spring Clear Out – Start Small

Clearing out your home may feel like an overwhelming project. To make it more manageable, start with one room at a time. As you gain momentum, decluttering each room will become more manageable. Once you’ve finished one space, move on to the next, tackling the project in a systematic manner. Remember, it’s unrealistic to expect everything to be completed in a single day. Be patient and allow yourself a few weekends to thoroughly declutter your entire home. Breaking the task into smaller, more achievable goals will help you stay focused and make the process less overwhelming.

Get the Right Tools

Before you begin clearing out your home, it’s essential to have the right equipment ready. We recommend using sturdy bin bags or garden sacks for items you plan to discard, sell, or donate. Additionally, wearing rubber gloves and using an all-purpose spray cleaner with a cloth will help you tackle those neglected nooks and crannies that haven’t been touched for a while! A vacuum cleaner will also be useful for giving the space a thorough clean once the items have been removed. To stay organised, consider having labels or markers on hand to clearly identify boxes for different categories. Being well-prepared will make the decluttering process smoother and more efficient.

Keep, Chuck, Sell, Donate

As you’re going through each room, you’ll need to decide what you’ll be keeping and what will be thrown away, sold or donated to charity. As you declutter, put things in the correct piles, bags and boxes, clearly labelled so there’s no confusion. It can be helpful to use the one-year rule when deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. If you find something that you haven’t thought of or used in over a year, it’s probably time to get rid of it.

Items that are past their best or unsalvageable should be thrown away or recycled. But remember, some people might like a project to upcycle furniture. It might be worth advertising the item on social media to see if anyone in your local area could make use of it before you decide to chuck it. Items that are still in good condition, but you don’t use anymore should be donated or sold rather than thrown away.

Recruit Helpers

Some people love a good declutter, and this could work to your advantage. If you have a friend or family member who is an expert organiser, invite them to join you for your spring clear out. Their help will be invaluable when you’re stuck deciding what to keep, donate or throw away. Since they won’t have the same emotional attachment to your items, an outsider will likely be more ruthless in clearing things out! Additionally, their experience and enthusiasm can make the process quicker and more enjoyable, turning a daunting task into a productive and even fun activity.

Stay Focused

It can be easy to get distracted when clearing out your home. You’ll likely come across memorabilia like old photo albums, birthday cards, school reports or children’s art that make you want to stop and reminisce. However, it’s important to stay focused to keep on track! While it’s nice to take a moment to remember, try not to get too comfortable looking at things. This will slow the process down and cause you to fall behind schedule with the declutter. If you find something you want to look through, set it aside to peruse later. This way, you can make a thoughtful decision on whether to keep or dispose of the items.

Clean Up at the End

As you work through each room, make sure to give everything a thorough clean to finalise the spring clear out process. Aim to clean crevices and behind pieces of furniture you might not usually move or think about cleaning. Once you’ve decided what items to keep, take the time to organise each room by putting the items back in their designated spots. This will ensure the room stays organised and the declutter will be noticeable, making your efforts truly pay off.

After the room is clean and tidy, it’s a good time to sort through the items you plan to discard or donate. Items you’re selling should be advertised on selling sites and donations should be taken to a nearby charity shop. A helpful tip is to call the charity shop before you arrive to check if they’re accepting donations, preventing a wasted journey and saving time unloading the items. You might also consider scheduling a pickup for large donations if the charity offers that service.

Ensure that discarded items are placed in the correct recycling or waste bins. If there are items that cannot be thrown in a bin, a trip to the tip is recommended to avoid fly-tipping. If you have a lot of items, you may need to make several trips to dispose of everything properly. However, if this is too time-consuming or unmanageable, a house clearance service might be more beneficial. This service can handle large quantities efficiently, saving you time and ensuring that everything is disposed of responsibly.

Why choose us?

Away With It provides house clearance services in Essex and the surrounding areas of East London. We offer a reliable and professional service, whether you need to remove a whole house’s worth of junk or just a few items. We recycle or reuse 80% of the items we clear, donating suitable items to charity and disposing of the rest in the most eco-friendly way possible. If you’re planning a spring clear-out and need assistance with junk removal, contact us for more information. Choose us for a hassle-free, environmentally conscious solution to your house clearance needs.


How often should I spring clean?

It’s a good idea to spring clean once a year to thoroughly refresh your home. However, you might want to do a lighter clean or declutter seasonally to keep things tidy throughout the year.

What month should I start spring cleaning?

You should start spring cleaning in March or April. This timing allows you to tackle the task as the weather warms up, making it easier to ventilate your home and address clutter before summer arrives.

How can I spring clean my house fast?

To spring clean your house quickly, focus on these steps:

Declutter First: Quickly sort items into keep, donate or discard piles.

Set a Timer: Allocate specific time blocks for each room or task.

Use Efficient Tools: Equip yourself with a vacuum, cloths and all-purpose cleaner.

Tackle High-Traffic Areas: Prioritise cleaning surfaces and areas you use most.

Recruit Help: Get family members or friends involved to speed up the process.

When people spring clean, what part of the house do they typically prioritise?

When people spring clean, they typically prioritise high-traffic areas like the kitchen, living room and bathrooms, as well as storage spaces such as lofts and garages.

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